Are we crazy? Are we stupid? Are we really doing this? This is that feeling when an idea, born from a bar conversation, arrives at its culmination. We’ve got a little bit of an “oh shit” moment going on.


All the scheming, dreaming, and planning in January felt great because, you know, we had plenty of time and it was all still a ways out. But we have arrived. This is the moment our dreams and ideas become a reality and in a few short weeks, we move from our comfortable little house into an even smaller, rusted up, short bus. We are about to surrender our creature comforts for some mystical feeling of freedom and wanderlust.


I think there is a clash inside both Shelby and I. We are feeling the tension. The tension of anticipating an awesome adventure, the tension of leaving our life behind, and the tension of this could all go terribly wrong. Its beautiful and chaotic and a little stressful, but necessary. It forces us to remember that we’re human. Life often puts me on autopilot and I become too comfortable. It’s scary but often healthy to be where this tension builds, where things change, a season ends, and something new begins. I suddenly find myself feeling fully alive. This Little Green Bus feels like the beginning of a new journey mixed with a healthy dose of fear and excitement.


I think we all need moments like this from time to time. As a pastor and good friend once said to me,


“If youre not living on the edge, get out of the way.”


So stay tuned! Progress pictures and more posts about the adventure are coming soon

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